Tag Archives: Mormon church

“Are Mormons Christians?”

Andrew Sullivan looks at the issue of whether Mormons are Christians here. For my part, I don’t much care one way or the other, but I don’t think there can be a great deal of doubt about it. In the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | Tagged | 14 Comments

Utah’s Immigration Mess

I posted last night over on the Corner on the topic of Utah’s immigration mess. Full post here, but basically the nub is well set out in this paragraph from a LA Times report: Gov. Gary Herbert last week signed … Continue reading

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Miscellany, December 7

Ann Althouse on Bill O’Reilly and the Washington atheist sign: Another December, another battle in the “War on Christmas.” I think the sensible people don’t want to fight about religion, but there are always extremists — pro-religion and anti-religion — … Continue reading

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