Monthly Archives: December 2010

He who does not work must eat bread!

Some Israelis Question Benefits for Ultra-Religious: Chaim Amsellem was certainly not the first Israeli Parliament member to suggest that most ultra-Orthodox men should work rather than receive welfare subsidies for full-time Torah study. But when he did so last month, … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!

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A republic we no longer keep?

Via Ngram:

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A victory for the republic, and not the party?

I worry obviously of the inability of the American public and political class to face up to our fiscal situation. But, I can respect this attitude: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — who recently claimed his goal was to … Continue reading

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America – The End (?)

Tax cuts. Keep entitlements. No mandate. But no discrimination based on pre-existing conditions! Cheap goods & services. No outsourcing! Cheap labor. No immigration. High wage jobs. Great benefits and time off.

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Europe sans Frontières

Cross-posted over at the Corner: Via the Daily Telegraph: An Islamic suicide bomber who attacked Christmas shoppers in Sweden at the weekend is a British university graduate and was living in [the UK] until two weeks ago. Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly … Continue reading

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More God please!

Obama Doesn’t Mention God Enough, Says Prayer Caucus: President Obama doesn’t mention God frequently enough in his speeches, a group of religious House Republicans said in an open letter to the president, chastising him for skipping over mention of the … Continue reading

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Israel’s demographic future

As I noted in my review of Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth (also see John Derbyshire’s review) “In 1960 15 percent of elementary age students in Israel were Arab or Haredi. In 2010 ~50%….” Additionally, while the Arab Israel … Continue reading

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The Rise of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox (ctd.)

Via the Daily Telegraph, here’s just another story that gives some clues of the unfortunate direction in which the rise of the Ultra-Orthodox may be taking Israel: Over the past week, fierce forest fires have devastated large swathes of Israel, … Continue reading

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Obama hysteria: The enemy of my enemy is still the enemy

So how will the right-wing conceit that Obama represents an eruption of radicalism so alien and extreme as to lie outside of any American political tradition survive the left-wing attack on Obama for preserving the Bush tax cuts and other betrayals … Continue reading

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