Tag Archives: abortion

Making Friends and Influencing People

The Indianapolis Star reports: Women obtaining an abortion-inducing drug would be required to undergo an ultrasound before and after taking the drug under a bill approved Wednesday by an Indiana Senate committee. Though the bill doesn’t specify that it be … Continue reading

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Heckuva Job, Akin

Medieval obstetrics expert Congressman Todd Akin crashed to humiliating defeat in his attempt to unseat Missouri’s Senataor Claire McCaskill. The Washington Post reports: McCaskill had 54.7 percent of the vote, Akin 39.2 percent and the Libertarian candidate Jonathan Dine 6.1 … Continue reading

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A Question of Timing

Via Opposing Views: The ‘Woman’s Health and Safety Act’ signed into law by Arizona Governor Jen Brewer in April goes into effect this month. The law calculates a woman’s pregnancy as starting the very first day of the last menstrual … Continue reading

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The Science of Akin

From the Guardian, one possible theory for the source of Akin’s idiot ‘science’: The idea that rape victims cannot get pregnant has long roots. The legal position that pregnancy disproved a claim of rape appears to have been instituted in … Continue reading

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Biter Bit

Anthony Davies and Kristina Antolin, writing in the WSJ: The bishops dance with the devil when they invite government to use its coercive power on their behalf, and there’s no clearer example than the Affordable Care Act. They happily joined … Continue reading

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Junk Science Watch

Todd Akin lends an assist to the Democrats (the New York Times reports): KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In an effort to explain his stance on abortion, Representative Todd Akin, the Republican Senate nominee from Missouri, provoked ire across the political … Continue reading

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Via Detroit News: Lansing – House Republicans prohibited state Rep. Lisa Brown from speaking on the floor Thursday after she ended a speech Wednesday against a bill restricting abortions by referencing her female anatomy. Brown, a West Bloomfield Democrat and … Continue reading

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Via CBS: [Santorum] lambasted the president’s health care law requiring insurance policies to include free prenatal testing, “because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and therefore less care that has to be done because we cull the ranks … Continue reading

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“A Gift in a Very Broken Way”

Via Think Progress (I know, I know), here’s Rick Santorum explaining why a woman left pregnant should be compelled to give birth: Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn’t have this baby, if she kills her child, … Continue reading

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Free Speech at the Abortion (or anti-abortion) Clinic (2)

In a mildly encouraging development (and one that follows a somewhat similar case concerning politicians playing doctor, but in New York) a federal judge has blocked at least part of the new Texas sonogram law. Over at the Washington Monthly, … Continue reading

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