Tag Archives: data analysis

Libertarians vs. statists

In a post below, Anthony asks: Does the GSS or any other large poll have sufficient data to do this for the population at large? How to classify “libertarian” and “statist” is difficult in the GSS. After all, libertarians in … Continue reading

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Patterns in politics, liberal, conservative, statist & libertarian

Reading around the web I stumbled upon National Journal‘s ubiquitous ratings of how liberal or conservative various politicians are in the domains of social, economic and foreign policy. Using the 2008 data for the House of Representatives, here are the … Continue reading

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Role of genes in personality

Inductivist has a post up on the public perception of the role genes play in personality via the “GENEEXPS” variable. Though he saw a trend for Republicans to lean slightly toward more of a role for genes, I was struck … Continue reading

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The World Values Survey

About six months ago I mentioned the General Social Survey. Have a question about public opinion & correlations? Poke around, don’t let your opinion or impression be the last word!

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GSS blogging….

A week ago I lamented that there just wasn’t enough GSS blogging…I didn’t add that the GSS blogging that I do know of is all Right-of-Center.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it is nice to have a … Continue reading

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2008 Presidential election, votes by income & education

How the Rich Are Different From You and Me: Places that went for Obama are richer and smarter than places that went for McCain. The subhead is critical here: And it isn’t just about politics. The division is also between … Continue reading

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Using the General Social Survey interface

My post, Who prays more, Democrats or Republicans?, has gotten a little link love. First at Daily Dish, and later at Kevin Drum. That’s great; in fact, a fair number of my GSS based charts get picked up around the … Continue reading

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