Category Archives: philosophy

Lions and Christians

Intelligence Squared is a privately-funded outfit staging debates in London. You can get a sample of the kinds of topics they debate from their home page. Free-market capitalism is so 20th century The threat to our civil liberties from an overmighty … Continue reading

Posted in culture, philosophy | 11 Comments

The philosophers as types

I don’t know what to make of this David Brooks column, Bentham vs. Hume. I will say that the main reason I lean Right is a suspicion of the efficacy of managerial technocracy. And I speak as someone who is … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Eat That Apple!

Stanley Fish is not normally my favorite commentator, but his New York Times piece on curiosity today is well worth a look: …There is another tradition in which, far from being the guarantor of a better future, curiosity is a vice … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy, science | Tagged | 8 Comments

Social science & engineering

A recent featured two philosophers, and was titled “Explaining and Appraising Moral Intuition”. A considerable proportion of the discussion involved the utility of cognitive and evolutionary psychology in probing the reflexive roots of our moral intuitions, and how that … Continue reading

Posted in culture, economics, philosophy, science, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Start at the same point, go in opposite directions

I really enjoyed this discussion between Cato’s Brink Lindsey and David Frum. It illustrates my point about the necessity of common referents to have fruitful discussions. Brink is a libertarian who has rejected fusionism and now wishes to co-opt a … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments


Just finished Thomas Metzinger’s new book The Ego Tunnel (which you can get for a few dollars at Abebooks — Amazon want some ridiculous price). It’s a very good survey of current mind studies. Metzinger is a philosopher, but he’s up … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy, science | 15 Comments

Romania to decriminalize incest

Romania weighs decriminalizing consensual incest: Three European Union nations — France, Spain and Portugal — do not prosecute consenting adults for incest, and Romania is considering following suit. … Laws exempting parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters from prosecution for incestuous … Continue reading

Posted in culture, philosophy, politics | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

Moral Reasoning

There is a debate on the internet about homosexuality and morality, with Rod Dreher, Andrew Sullivan and Damon Linker at the center of the storm.  Nothing too surprising or unexpected.  All I would add is that this is a sort … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy, politics | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

On objective ends

Jim Kalb offers a criticism of the general mission statement of this weblog, Is “the secular” so clear?: My own view, which my book goes into at length, is that by itself rational empiricism gives you desire and technique as … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy, politics | Tagged , , | 51 Comments

Possibilities without illusions

I just noticed that David Kirkpatrick at noted that he read Secular Right. Some people have wondered what this website is about in positive political terms. To some extent I’m wondering about what is about aside from acknowledging … Continue reading

Posted in philosophy, politics | Tagged , | 16 Comments