Tag Archives: superstition

Mobile Phone, Immobile Superstition

Yet another reminder that, to quote (yet again) Carl Jung, the Middle Ages…live on merrily. The Catholic Herald: Priests have been carrying out exorcisms over the phone as demand continues to rise, a Cardinal has said. Speaking at the Vatican’s … Continue reading

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The Devil as Recruiting Sergeant

The Middle Ages, as that dodgy sage Carl Jung once wrote, “live on… merrily”. That’s no surprise, really. Superstition will always be with us, in new forms—and in old. Crux: ROME – With reported demonic possessions on the rise in … Continue reading

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Oprah: The Queen of Unreason

The Oprah moment may have faded for now, but I have little doubt that it will return, in which case this Slate piece by Kurt Andersen (and, no, I don’t agree with his jibe about Reagan) will be one that … Continue reading

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Oprah and McMartin Preschool ‘Retrials’

Cross-posted on the Corner. In a post yesterday, I mentioned the contribution made by Oprah Winfrey to the ritual satanic abuse witch hunts of the 1980s. One of the most notorious cases of that era was the McMartin preschool trial, and … Continue reading

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Oprah, Subjective Truth and Salem 2.0

Cross-posted on the Corner: Over on the homepage Philip Devoe rightly laments Oprah Winfrey’s fondness for pseudoscience and New Age ‘thinking’. It would only be fair to also mention the role she played in the 1980s Satanic ritual abuse panic. … Continue reading

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UFOs and The ‘Religious Mind’

Writing in the New York Times, Clay Routledge notes the interesting, if unsurprising, fact, that someone’s religious instinct doesn’t disappear simply because he or she has rejected ‘established’ religion: Just a couple of decades ago, about 95 percent of Americans … Continue reading

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Dr. Paltrow Presumes: Iodine

The Independent: Another week, another piece of questionable advice from Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop. This time, however, the website may have made its most dangerous recommendation yet, as a doctor has called out the latest post saying: “Almost everything in this … Continue reading

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Morrigan’s Hotel

Writing in The Guardian, Alex Mar explains how making a documentary film “about a handful of fringe religious communities around the country” led her deep into the pagan world. The article is an interesting account of where the search for … Continue reading

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An “Urgent Need For More Exorcists” (Apparently)

The Daily Telegraph: A sharp rise in the number of people dabbling in Satanism and the occult is fueling a growing demand for more exorcists on both sides of the Atlantic. Speaking in tongues, levitating and vomiting nails may seem far-fetched to … Continue reading

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The Clowns of Salem?

Once upon a time it was alien abductions, and not so long before that, the Satanic panic of the 1980s, a wave of hysteria that spilled over into some of the child abuse  prosecutions of that era with sometimes appalling consequences. Now there … Continue reading

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