Tag Archives: Witchcraft

Morrigan’s Hotel

Writing in The Guardian, Alex Mar explains how making a documentary film “about a handful of fringe religious communities around the country” led her deep into the pagan world. The article is an interesting account of where the search for … Continue reading

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Superstitions Old and New

Raw Story: Televangelist Pat Robertson advised a mother on Monday that she could cure her son’s stomach pains by finding someone to cast out demons that were possibly caused by an ancestor who practiced witchcraft. In an email, a viewer … Continue reading

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Belly Dancing and Magic Spells

Florida.newszap.com reports: PAHOKEE—Pahokee residents, church members, and pastors are outraged over an upcoming event at the Lake Okeechobee Resort and Marina. The marina will be hosting its first Lake Okeechobee Summer Solstice Festival – a program that organizers hope will … Continue reading

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In the 21st Century

A hideous story from NBC: Assailants stripped, tortured and bound a woman accused of witchcraft, then burned her alive in front of hundreds of witnesses in a Papua New Guinea town, police said Friday after one of the highest profile … Continue reading

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Witchcraft. London. 2012.

Via The Daily Telegraph: ‘Political correctness’ is preventing police from stopping child abuse by parents and church leaders who believe in witchcraft, a minister warns. Tim Loughton, the children’s minister, said that a “wall of silence” was obscuring the full … Continue reading

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The Retreat from reason (ctd.)

The defendant in this case may or may not have lost her senses, the judge that sentenced her clearly has: A young woman who repeatedly stabbed her mother as she slept has walked free from court after a judge accepted … Continue reading

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