Tag Archives: Political Religions


It does not take much detective work to understand that Marxism is, in many respects, another branch of the Judeo-Christian tree, most notably in its millenarian fantasies, but also in, one way or another, its sanctification of poverty. Many religions, … Continue reading

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New Era, New Priests: E.R. Dodds, Rome, Christianity and Intersectionality

Writing in the  American Conservative, here’s Gilbert Sewall on the Oxford classicist, E.R. Dodds. Read the whole thing, really, but here is Sewall discussing Dodds’ Pagans and Christians in an Age of Anxiety (1965): In 380, Theodosius I declared Christianity … Continue reading

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Middlebury and The Heretic

Cross-posted on The Corner. Looked at one way, the attempt to silence Charles Murray and the violence that followed it was nothing more than another chapter in a long power struggle, but there was something else about it, something more … Continue reading

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Marx and the Millennium

Over at Mises, they have posted a long (very long) examination by the late (and, in my view, often profoundly misguided) Murray Rothbard demonstrating how Marxism fits into a much older millennialist tradition. The piece is something of a struggle … Continue reading

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Marx as Prophet

From Alexander Gray’s The Socialist Tradition (1946): “Marx, it has been said, was a prophet … and perhaps this suggestion provides the best approach. One does not apply to Jeremiah or Ezekiel the tests to which less-inspired men are subjected. … Continue reading

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