Tag Archives: Bio-ethics

Abusing “Frankenstein”

Ronald Bailey, writing in Reason: The meme of Frankenstein as a mad scientist who unleashed a disastrously uncontrollable creation on the world has been hijacked by anti-modernity, anti-technology ideologues to push for all manner of bans and restrictions on the … Continue reading

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‘3-Parent’ Babies: A Controversy That Shouldn’t Be

The New York Times: A few months ago, after a fertility procedure at a Mexican clinic, a healthy baby boy was born in New York to a couple from Jordan. It was the first live birth of a child who … Continue reading

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“Three Parent” Babies? No, More Like 2.001 (If That)…

Bioethicists are, for the most part, a pretty presumptuous bunch: who on earth do they think they are? In this case, however, highlighted by the Washington Post, they have got things right: An elite panel of scientists and bioethicists offered … Continue reading

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Leon Kass is not alone (Sadly)

Via Andrew Sullivan we have this piece by William B. Hurlbut, Consulting Professor in the Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University Medical Center, a man of science, who is, it turns out, also a fan of the benevolently deranged Francis of … Continue reading

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Such Sweet Suffering

The Wall Street Journal has interviewed “eminent bioethicist” (itself a contradiction in terms) Leon Kass. The trigger was the Gosnell trial, but it was this aspect of Kass’s remarks that drew my attention: Dr. Kass sometimes finds himself at odds … Continue reading

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Gene Genie

Should people be allowed to see details of their own genetic information? Of course. Yet, as Reason’s Ron Bailey points out in a post linking to this article by Slate’s Virginia Hughes, “timorous and condescending bioethicists and physicians” insist on … Continue reading

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A Life Worth Ending?

I’m not going to comment (well, overmuch anyway) on this moving, thought-provoking and beautifully-written piece by Michael Wolff, described by New York magazine in these terms: The era of medical miracles has created a new phase of aging, as far … Continue reading

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The “Bioethics” Fraud

Instapundit: “It’s always in bioethicists’ professional interest to suggest that a new technology raises troubling moral issues that require deep (funded) thought and extensive (lucrative) conferences.” Indeed.

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On the Uselessness of Bioethics

Of all the useless ‘disciplines’ that have come along in recent years one of the more irritating is bioethics (typified perhaps best by the waste of taxpayer dollars that was George W. Bush’s fatuous “Council on Bioethics”). Writing on Reason‘s … Continue reading

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Life Goes On

Blind faith in progress is like most faith a mistake. Nevertheless, on the whole this  (via the Economist) seems to be good news:     Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith, the two American biologists who unravelled the first DNA sequence … Continue reading

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