The Placenta of the Earth has been Ruptured!

From the Baccalaureate address at Stanford University by Joan Chittister, the Benedictine Catholic sister, author and (to quote the God’s Politics blog) “social justice stalwart”:

The ozone layer, the placenta of the earth, has been ruptured. The polar ice cap is melting and raising the water levels of the world. And, at the same time, the lands of the poor are turning to dust and stone while the industrialized world goes on choosing short-term profits over long-term global warming treaties.

Nuclear weaponry threatens the very existence of the planet and they have the effrontery to call it “defense.”

And Chittister has the effrontery to pass that off as truth.

There are few other gems in her speech, not least the fact that she finds answers to some of the questions she raises in “folk literature”. Of course she does.

Beneath the emoting and the saccharine, I suspect there’s the calculation of yet another clerical authoritarian. Same old, same old, in other words.

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