Tag Archives: Peronism

Pope Francis and Venezuela: Throwing Another Tyranny a Lifeline

Cross-posted on the Corner: Critics of Pope Francis who describe him as a ‘socialist’ are fairly wide off the mark.  Perhaps that was inevitable: Describing the ideology of a pope in conventionally political terms is, by definition, going to be … Continue reading

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Francis & Bernie: Two Demagogues Meet

Crux: ROME (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in an interview with The Associated Press that he met with Pope Francis, describing the meeting as a “real honor.” Sanders said the meeting took place Saturday morning before the … Continue reading

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The Political Religion of Jorge Mario Bergoglio

This intriguing piece by Claudio Ivan Remeseira is a (very) long read, but (very) well worth it. It underlines yet again how much Pope Francis remains shaped by the intellectual and religious traditions of his homeland. That might be disappointing … Continue reading

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The Pope and Peronism

Cross-posted on the Corner. Uki Goñi has written an article for the New York Times on Pope Francis’s Peronist roots.Here’s an extract: Less known is that Perón took his cue from the politicized Catholic leaders of ’30s Argentina. Church leaders … Continue reading

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Pope Francis and the “Poverty of Ambition”

Writing for the Daily Beast, Joel Kotkin on Pope Francis’s Laudato Si: With Francis’s pontifical blessing , the greens have now found a spiritual hook that goes beyond the familiar bastions of the academy, bureaucracy, and the media and reaches … Continue reading

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Strange New Respect

BBC: Cuban President Raul Castro has said he was so impressed by a Vatican audience with Pope Francis that he might return to the faith he was born into. Mr Castro praised the pontiff’s wisdom, adding: “I will resume praying … Continue reading

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The Pope Goes To Strasbourg

Pope Francis gave a speech at the EU parliament last week. There were the usual leftist themes that we have come to expect from this pope (“we encounter certain rather selfish lifestyles, marked by an opulence which is no longer … Continue reading

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Idol Words

There are those who think that Europe’s appalling unemployment problem can be explained by overly rigid labor markets, the spiraling energy costs that greenery has brought in its wake and, of course, the ill-judged introduction of the euro. Pope Francis … Continue reading

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The Pope and Peron

In the course of a lengthy piece on Pope Francis, The Economist looks at the pontiff’s political and economic opinions and (correctly, in my view) finds them rooted in the history of the country of his birth: The political landscape … Continue reading

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Wash, Rinse, Repeat: Argentina’s Latest Crisis

Cross-posted on the Corner: Under first Nestor, and then Cristina, Kirchner, Argentina has been pursuing an economic policy that, in its suspicion of free markets, distrust of globalization and strong redistributionist vein, reflects a long Argentine tradition that extends far … Continue reading

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