Tag Archives: Agnosticism

Doubt as Sin.

In the course of reading around a story about how the Portland Public Schools board has unanimously approved a resolution aimed at “eliminating doubt” about climate change and its causes in schools, I came across this quote  from Nietzsche (It’s … Continue reading

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An ‘Enchanted Secularism’? No Thanks

Writing in the New York Times, David Brooks frets about what non-believers, um, believe: Over the past few years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of people who are atheist, agnostic or without religious affiliation. A fifth … Continue reading

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The Great Agnostic

Writing in the Weekly Standard, here’s Katherine Mangu-Ward with an entertaining review of a new biography of Robert Ingersoll, the Great Agnostic: While today’s GOP is associated with public displays of faith, the Republican party of Ingersoll’s day was more … Continue reading

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A Skeptic

From a Guardian interview with Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s neo-Thatcherite, euroskeptic UKIP: He won a lot of Tory support by opposing gay marriage, chiefly because it was an affront to religious values. “Tolerance is a two-way street, and … Continue reading

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The Pope Presumes (But Means Well, I Think)

These comments by the Pope seem to be intended as a friendly gesture towards agnostics, and so that’s how they should be taken. Nevertheless, he presumes a little too much: In addition to the two phenomena of religion and anti-religion, … Continue reading

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An Agnostic Manifesto

Judging by this entertaining new piece in Slate, I suspect that Ron Rosenbaum may have been spending a little too much time thinking about this whole God-or-not thing (a fruitless debate, if ever I saw one), and his idea of a … Continue reading

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