The Secular Right on controversial issues

In my previous post, Who are the Secular Right?, I focused on demographic differences between the Secular Right, Secular Left and Religious Right.  Using the same methodology in that post, I will now shift a bit more to controversial issues, as opposed to demographics.  My general rationale for these sorts of surveys is to assess the diversity of belief (or lack of) among people who can be considered of a class.  Note for example that on some issues those who are secularists tend to agree, while in other cases those who are of the same political inclination (e.g., those on the Right, whether secular or religious) tend to agree. On many social issues the Secular Right charts the waters between the Religious Right and Secular Left.

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5 Responses to The Secular Right on controversial issues

  1. Sub Specie Ludi says:

    Interesting…I would have expected a larger discrepancy

  2. bgc says:


  3. David Hume says:

    See the previous post which is linked in this post.

  4. bgc says:

    Thanks – do you have _average_ fertility?

    The simple caricature of the libertarian (?=secular) right is that they combine right wing economic views with left wing lifestyle preferences.

    Could this be further tested with GSS? (So far, I get the impression that the GSS broadly supports the caricature).

  5. Wm Jas says:

    Interesting. It seems that gender roles are primarily a right/left issue; porn, suicide, and abortion are primarily religious/secular issues; and guns and homosexuality are a little of both.

    For the sake of comparison, do you have any data on the religious left?

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