Miscellany, January 14

  • Tattoo-parlor Calvinism at Seattle’s Mars Hill Church, blazing new trails in quien-es-mas-macho discipleship. P.S. DH and I independently noticed this story and posted on it only minutes apart. Read his post.
  • Latest in Michael Newdow’s suit over religious references in the President-Elect’s Oath of Office: he sent a process server to the home of Chief Justice John Roberts to serve him with the papers personally. Ann Althouse thinks part of Newdow’s rudeness is that he’s stepping on someone else’s event:

    Now, I’ve broken my silence on the atheist’s case about the oath. I don’t really want to talk about these attention-seekers, even though I teach Religion & the Constitution, because I resent the way they cause many people to despise the Establishment Clause and to think atheists are litigious louts. I detest the idea that Obama’s magic moment — turning into President — has been intruded upon by people doing PR for their crusade.

  • No, we don’t intend to link to every sex scandal involving a highly placed “faith-based outreach” political operative. Only the outstandingly juicy and tawdry ones. Besides, there wouldn’t be space.
  • Check out our Ayn Rand open thread, which is up to 155 comments, and where the conversation headed off in some (to me, at least) unforeseen directions.

About Walter Olson

Fellow at a think tank in the Northeast specializing in law. Websites include overlawyered.com. Former columnist for Reason and Times Online (U.K.), contributor to National Review, etc.
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2 Responses to Miscellany, January 14

  1. Mr. F. Le Mur says:

    Obama’s “magic moment” is completely trivial compared to the continuing violations of the Establishment clause, so I see it the other way ’round and wish Newdow good luck in his dealings with these deeply entrenched illegal activities.

    PS: “he sent a process server to the home of Chief Justice John Roberts”
    Oh, my gosh! A government lawyer was slightly inconvenienced by a legal action – what’s the world coming to?

  2. craftlessculture says:

    Thank God for Mars Hill Church, because if there is one segment of the Christian population that has been ignored for centuries and its wisdom dismissed, it is surely the men. If there is one thing the Christian church has forgotten is the need for men to run the show.

    And Christianity has been weak for so long. It needs to be muscular and fight hard. Christians have long stopped fighting in wars and forcefully expelling those who disagree with them from the greater Ecclesial body.

    Thank goodness we are getting this back!

    (the entire tone of this comment is intended to be a sarcastic jab at the ridiculousness of assuming that the church has lost its “masculinity”, for those who didn’t pick up on that)

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