Dhimmitude and demise done well

Sometimes readers will ask about a good book on the history of religion, and I’m pretty hard-pressed to recommend something without qualification, caveat, or caution. But I can recommend The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia–and How It Died without any riders. I have a long review up at Discover blogs outlining why. In my review I forgot to mention that you can read the first few chapters on HarperCollins’ website.

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3 Responses to Dhimmitude and demise done well

  1. Gian says:

    There are some errors in this book. India was never a mainly Buddhist country, certainly not for a thousand years.

  2. NYPRPhD says:

    The best history of the early Catholic Church is contained within Edward Gibbon’s classic 18th century masterpiece “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”.

  3. David Hume says:

    India was never a mainly Buddhist country, certainly not for a thousand years.

    i noticed that too. much better on details with christianity, but that makes sense.

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