Attitudes toward assisted suicide

Previous post prompted me to look to the General Social Survey in regards to attitudes to assisted suicide broken down by demographic variables. The variable I used was DOCSUI, which asks:

How much do you agree of disagree with the following options for this person? This person should ask for physician-assisted suicide

The N was a little more than 1200, and the question was asked in 1998. I put the extreme and moderate views together (strongly and not strongly). Below a chart and the raw data in a table.


Strongly Agree + Agree Neither Strongly Disagree + Disagree
White 34.2 20.9 44.9
Black 17.8 16.9 65.3
Male 37.3 19.4 43.2
Female 27.4 20.6 52
High School 34 20.5 45.5
Junior College 31 19.6 49.5
Bachelor 30.9 21 48.1
Graduate 23.9 30.8 45.3
Protestant 25.6 18.3 56.1
Catholic 31.4 20.8 47.8
No Religion 50.8 23.4 24.8
Northeast 37.7 23.3 39.1
Midwest 29.2 18.4 52.3
South 26 19.6 54.4
West 38.8 20.1 41.1
Liberal 38.6 22.5 38.9
Moderate 37 24.8 38.1
Conservative 30.5 19.8 49.7

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