From Alexander Gray’s The Socialist Tradition (1946):
“Marx, it has been said, was a prophet … and perhaps this suggestion provides the best approach. One does not apply to Jeremiah or Ezekiel the tests to which less-inspired men are subjected. Perhaps the mistake the world and most of the critics have made is just that they have not sufficiently regarded Marx as a prophet — a man above logic, uttering cryptic and incomprehensible words, which every man may interpret as he chooses.”
Well, modern conservationism is so anti-birth control that it has Texas has one of the highest teen birth states. What conservatives like Rick Perry don’t consider is Latino youth have the highest birth rate among ethnic groups as teenagers. He opposes the government funding such birth control and also is very anti-abortion. Well, in his state there is repeat births among youth higher than other states. In fact his actions will lead to his state going democratic since a lot of poor Hispanics will be born to poor Hispanic youth and of course they need the government to support them since they come usually from poor families.