On signals & design

Somehow SR‘s email address was added to Newsmax’s mailing list for ad buys. The pitch is that one will reach affluent readers. But they undermine their message by formatting their HTML emails in a garish 1997 Frontpage-generated style. I thought they were being ironic, but I think they’re sincere.

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4 Responses to On signals & design

  1. Polichinello says:

    Affluent /= tasteful or computer savvy I suppose.

  2. Polichinello says:

    In their favor, it is a fairly easy site to navigate through. Some of the other pages, like their health page, look rather nice. I can see why it would do well with less computer savvy 40-60 yr. olds.

  3. David Hume says:

    i’m talking about their e-newsletters. their website is much more toned down and professional.

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