Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake.
Depending on how you interpret that statement, it is either simply untrue or it has achieved an emptiness so great that the Dalai Lama must only look on in wonder.
Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake.
Depending on how you interpret that statement, it is either simply untrue or it has achieved an emptiness so great that the Dalai Lama must only look on in wonder.
Do you suppose Joseph Ratzinger might have had a word with him about this?
Actually, Francis is the first Pope who never lived under either Hitler or Mussilini since they came to power. He might not remember that D-Day and the atom bomb, did a lot more to bring peace than Neville Chamberlain did.
WmarkW remarked, “D-Day and the atom bomb, did a lot more to bring peace than Neville Chamberlain did.”
You make that statement only by ignoring the fact that somewhere in this world humanity has been involved in a war with not one day of peace enjoyed since that time.
Having an opinion is encouraged and accepted. Basing one on blind, willful, ignorance is not.
The number of people killed in all wars since 1945 is about equal to the number the previous six years. Out of a population base that was on average double it.
Ken, it is, of course, true that wars have continued to have been fought since 1945, but violence has been part of the human condition since, so to speak, Cain.
If the Pope was really complaining that no war had ever brought the phenomenon of human violence to a close (the second interpretation I considered when reading his remarks) then his comments did indeed achieve an emptiness that would have impressed even the Dalai Lama. How sad.