No Extremists Here!

So … American Renaissance can’t get a Red Roof Inn conference room but Louis Farrakhan and his gang of creepy white-hating leg-breakers get a whole stadium.

But then, of course, Farrakhan is mainstream, while AR is … what’s the cant word here? oh yes — “repugnant.” Right.

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12 Responses to No Extremists Here!

  1. Lesacre says:

    That’s different.

  2. trajan23 says:

    Well, of course the real difference is that White nationalists have the clout to assemble hundreds of thousands of their supporters in front of the Lincoln Memorial, while poor Farrakhan leads a small, impotent fringe group with no real base of power.

  3. m.d. says:

    Now who said “repugnant”?

    Oh right. That would have been me. I’m totaly burned then, since you’ve proven that there are other organizations just as bad, or even worse, that are more popular. It stands to follow, then, that AR must be allright, and I stand corrected.

    Although, just thinking out loud here, but what would be the problem with creepy white haters? Since we’ve established, proven actually, that there’s no problem with creepy black and jew haters.

    Must be the leg breaking

    You know, 50 years ago, had they been white and been black hating

  4. Lesacre says:


    “Although, just thinking out loud here, but what would be the problem with creepy white haters? Since we’ve established.”

    What didn’t you get about one being accepted and the other not? We agree that theft is wrong, does that make selectively prosecuting some people, the same as prosecuting all people? If being selective is wrong (or repugnant), then isn’t it wrong (or repugnant)? If not, then how is it?

    Seems your really struggling with that logical consistency thing.

  5. m.d. says:

    I took the point in the original post to be that a person, say me for instance, would be wrong to call AR “repugnant”, and, further, that using such a word to describe AR- who (we have learned) have excellent grammar, good taste in wine and always say please and thank you- would be factually incorrect. Factually incorrect, because Farrakhan was able to hold his stupid racist convention, but we don’t get to hold ours, and its NOT FAIR, and boo hoo and wah, wah, wah.

    I concede I probably got it all wrong as usual though. Sorry.

    But enough, I’m a lover not a flame warrior, so let us- as one of our favorites liked to say- find common ground, as in fact Farrakhan and AR have done, for if they can agree- as they have- that me and mine are responsible for all their problems, or a lot of them anyway, then can’t we ourselves agree that Swinging Doors was Merle Haggard’s finest album?

  6. brandon says:

    I think one of the reasons groups like American Renaissance are sort of becoming more mainstream, is that people are giving up on the idea of a colorblind society. For a long time conservatives have argued in favor of a system where men “would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. As in, “let’s just eliminate the concept of race altogether” and start dealing with people on their own individual merits. Over time though, the reality seems to be that nobody else is interested in any of that color blind society stuff. In fact, they think even those notions are racist! So, as the definition of the term “racist” has been broadened over time to allow people to fit their enemies into that category…so it becomes less of a big deal to actually be a racist. If suddenly 50% of the people in the country are considered racists…well that’s over a hundred million people and you’ll have plenty of company!

    And if there’s no chance of us as a society transcending the idea of race, then it makes sense that many would start to at least seek out the group that’s going to make a conscious effort to preserve their culture and customs. We tried to get all Americans to just “drop the dash” and be perceived merely as human beings…but almost nobody is interested.

    M.D. strikes me as someone who still believes transcending race is possible and has not moved on from MLK’s dream. I also think it’s still possible, but it won’t be due to politics or eliminating affirmative action or anything of that sort. In our technologically advanced society which allows vast and convenient global transportation, over the next few hundred years there will be more and more interracial breeding until maybe someday you just can’t tell what the heck anyone is anymore…and we all look like those conjured up space aliens with the oval shaped heads and big black eyes.

    Not going to hold my breath though

  7. Well, one thing is for certain, the Establishment is much more fearful of white identity politics than non-white identity politics(which are supplemented by the Establishment). Those who do engage in white identity politics can look forward to a future of poverty, prison, and harassment.

    The thing that most “white nationalists” don’t understand is that race or ethnicity really doesn’t matter. It comes down to the belief system. If a black or Jew or hispanic person supports freedom of speech and association, then these people are bigger allies than whites who don’t.

    Ultimately what white nationalists want (based from my study of them) is the right to freedom of association. They want to own businesses and hire and fire who they want, and they want to live according to their own myths, customs, narratives, and heroes. They want local institutions that support these myths, narratives, and heroes.

    All of this can be achieved through freedom of association. Its that simple. America could have open borders if we had freedom of association. Of course blacks would be disadvantaged without affirmative action, so for blacks (and only slave descended blacks) there could be a reparations payment of $500,000 or so. This will allow blacks to build their own communities and small businesses.

    This is the best option for a multicultural America. Any other way will involve (at least) minimal police state characteristics.

  8. Aaron says:

    My first thought was, wouldn’t it be great if this could have been posted at National Review Online?

    My second thought was, I guess it’s OK that National Review types don’t allow this kind of talk. Both American Renaissance and the Respectable Right do good work. National Review the rest of the Respectable Right need to dissociate themselves completely from Jared Taylor, else they would face the same kind of demonization themselves. That’s the way the world is and we have to deal with it.

  9. icr says:

    Anyone who seriously called for restoration of freedom of association would be ostracized just like Jared Taylor. The concept strikes at the heart of the managerial state.

    Libertarians are for freedom of association-at least as a form of cant- but try hard to avoid explaining the implications.

  10. icr,

    you are unfortunately correct.

    I’ve been observing identity politics for about five years, and I’ve concluded that allowing people to live locally is the fairest was to make a multi-ethnic country work.

    This model would truly “celebrate diversity.”

  11. Note above: “is the fairst was” is supposed to be “is the fairest way”

  12. m.d. says:

    One last word here, as really pretty much an apology for having not read as much as I should have of the writings of some of the people involved here and making certain assumptions I shouldn’t have before commenting.

    But after having read a little more I should say that some of us will just have to agree to disagree about what it means to be well-mannered.

    I know, just opinions. But it is possible for a reasonable person to be disgusted by someone’s opinion- as you yourself quite often are. Which is to say, even though I may not be devoted enough to say my daughters can speak fluent French in elementary school, if I ever caught someone teaching them your baloney, we’d have us a problem.

    I have learned today that in a matter of just a couple years there will be scientific proof of everything you already from the beginning knew in your gut to be true, which will be totally embarrassing for me, but till the proof is before me I would rather start with the opposite presumption from you, which is, I believe, is the civilized, genteel and above all polite thing to do.

    I have also just learned that, in addition to being an unthinking PC-bot, I am a race traitor. But then, had I disclosed my ethnicity from the start, you’d have known off the bat that, statistically speaking, I’m unlikely to be trustworthy. And this post is but only more evidence of that. Or, not evidence, but proof.

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