It’s not easy being a foodie

A California assemblyman wants to ban food trucks from parking close to schools, on the ground that the vast majority of them peddle fattening fast foods to school children.   The foodie community in Los Angeles is up in arms, because the proposed regulation would hinder their access to the cutting-edge food trucks which have exploded in the city over the last decade. 

“It’s a shame the state would … deny people the opportunity to do what they are passionate about,” said . . . an administrator at a local charity. “So many of the food trucks are doing such good things with fresh foods and ingredients.”

I’m just going by the seat of my pants here, but how many of those incensed gourmets are all for environmental or banking regulations to counter corporate greed?

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2 Responses to It’s not easy being a foodie

  1. John says:

    Coffee isn’t good for you either, but legislators never seem to want to put prohibitions on coffee shops. I wonder why?

    That’s right. They all live in “Belmont”.

  2. prasad says:

    “I’m just going by the seat of my pants here, but how many of those incensed gourmets are all for environmental or banking regulations to counter corporate greed?”

    I’m with the people who think a lot of this sort of regulation is rent seeking, but really? You really think the question of whether to regulate Goldman Sachs is obvious as that of whether to regulate food trucks and barbers?

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