“Churchgoing” candidates who aren’t

Isaac Chotiner in the New Republic “Plank”, on revelations that Barack Obama isn’t actually a regular churchgoer despite carefully managed efforts to give the impression that he was: “If politicians want their religious lives to remain private, then they can do the rest of us the favor of not talking so much about them.” (via Althouse).

About Walter Olson

Fellow at a think tank in the Northeast specializing in law. Websites include overlawyered.com. Former columnist for Reason and Times Online (U.K.), contributor to National Review, etc.
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6 Responses to “Churchgoing” candidates who aren’t

  1. David Heddle says:


    In fact, that is why I like the “New Atheist Movement” Assuming it is impotent in its ability to convert a Christian to atheism, which I think it is, it’s a win-win. If it removes the stigma of being an atheist (which is not nearly the stigma some victimhood-atheists claim it is) and cause them to come out of the closet–they win and we (theists) win. Who wants theist-pretenders either sitting in the pews or serving in political office? Well, I can only answer for myself: I don’t.

  2. @David Heddle Would you vote for an atheist if he came out of the closet over a nominal theist?

  3. David Heddle says:

    Derek Scruggs,

    On the assumption that I am more politically aligned with the atheist (which is certainly possible), then the answer is yes.

  4. Panopaea says:

    Derek Scruggs :
    @David Heddle Would you vote for an atheist if he came out of the closet over a nominal theist?

    The problem is nominal Christians are usually just currently indifferent to the faith they claim; whereas self-identified atheists actively oppose Christianity and work against it, demonstrating very shallow and immature development and discernment as human beings as they do it. For that reason the atheist is far worse than the nominal Christian.

  5. Dave M says:

    demonstrating very shallow and immature development and discernment as human beings as they do it.

    Good grief. Can you get any more delusional?

    Panopaea, seriously, why are you here? Is it a religious crusade to save our dark satanic socialist souls or something?

  6. ◄Dave► says:

    self-identified atheists actively oppose Christianity and work against it

    Delusional and paranoid… I am a self-identified atheist, who goes out of his way to refer to himself as godless or a heathen so as not to give Christian folks such a fright. I could care less what they believe, or what rituals they think it necessary to perform to please their god. I don’t even sweat their odd personal need to publicly exhibit their piety. I do not get exercised over the fact that some of their religious holidays are also celebrated as national holidays, and I do wish them a Merry Christmas.

    The First Amendment to our Constitution, which is as precious to me as their bible is to them, guarantees their right to practice their religion, and I would fight all comers to defend it for them. However, I will oppose, with every fiber of my being, all their attempts to empower government agents to enforce their moral code, on me or anyone else who rejects it.

    If you choose to call that “working against Christianity,” I plead guilty; but I must point out to the court that I am acting in self-defense. It is not I that has adopted a dogma that insists that one must continue pestering people that do not wish to be bothered, with the “Good News” they do not wish to hear. ◄Dave►

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