Bracing vs. insipid

Kingmaker: Why Sarah Palin’s Endorsements Really Are That Big A Deal vs. Romney’s Problem in a Nutshell. I estimate that Mitt Romney’s IQ is around two standard deviations above Sarah Palin’s. That’s democracy.

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12 Responses to Bracing vs. insipid

  1. Susan says:

    Of course it is. Palin’s devotees love her precisely because, as they repeatedly say, she’s like them: not polished, lacking shiny academic credentials, much more likely to be found at a snow mobile race than at a performance of Manon Lescaut. You’ve never seen anyone wearing an “I Am Mitt Romney” t-shirt. You WILL see people wearing an “I Am Sarah Palin” t-shirt.

  2. kurt9 says:

    Mitt Romney’s problem is that he supported the Massachusetts health care plan, which is now self-destructing. The Massachusetts health care plan is a state version of ObamaCare.

  3. Mark says:

    Mencken famously said “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”
    I guess we should now append “or unelected” after “broke”. I just sat through the most ridiculous GOP primary in this state’s history (Florida) and a complete and utter obvious scumbag likely prevailed because he ranted about a frigging mosque in NYC.

    People deserve the government they get, I suppose.

  4. cynthia curran says:

    That’s true about Romney but the right is more forgiving of let’s say George W Bush who gave Africa 30 billion dollars. So, who is the more liberal here. Romney can come back and say its state’s rights. Actually, Palin is fun but probably Tim Pitney-sorry poor speller here or Paul Ryan will win the nomination, if Palin wins its Barry Goldwater in 1964 again.

  5. John says:

    I’m still not quite sure of what to think of Palin or Romney. I do think that Palin has done a good job of picking candidates. She seems to be a genuine movement conservative, who is perfectly willing to go against the establishment to pick the candidate she prefers, and people respect her for it. I’m not sure if I’d want her as chief executive, especially after she quit the governorship, but I do have to admit that if she endorsed a candidate that I didn’t know about in a race that I got to vote in, I would give the candidate a second look.

    I liked Romney better then McCain or Huckabee in 2008, but that is because I loathe both McCain and Huckabee. Romney has said some good things in the past couple of years, and gone to some movement conservative events, but I’m still not quite sure what he’d be like as president. Competent? Sure. Conservative? Maybe. In general, I’ll take a 115 IQ conservative over a 145 IQ RINO anyday.

  6. Chuck O'leary says:


    I’m sorry, but Romney’s problem isn’t that he supported the Massachusetts health care plan – his problem is that he thought the plan was a good idea in the first place. That shows a shocking lack of knowledge about history and human nature.


    I don’t want to get into a large discussion about intelligence versus wisdom, but if Romney truly has an IQ that is two standard deviations above Palin’s, then I submit that Romney has wasted his genetic inheiritance – and that Palin has made the most of hers.

  7. Polichinello says:

    I can’t really get upset with her pushing for a change in Alaska’s senate seat. The seat was literally bequeathed on Murkowski by her father. In a republic, that sort of dynasticism should be rejected.

    As for Romney’s I.Q., McClellan was far more intelligent and knowledgeable than Grant. If you wan’t fight, though, all the brainpower in the world won’t help. Romney just hasn’t been very active at the grassroots, as far as I can see. He has to prove hi mettle by taking some risks. Fortune favors the brave.

  8. Pangloss says:

    Actually, she is the only one espousing the wealth creation needed to reverse our decline.

    Palin’s “Drill Baby Drill” plank is the only strategy that will save Western economies.

  9. kurt9 says:

    …his problem is that he thought the plan was a good idea in the first place.

    Yes, I am well-aware that Romney was the chief architect of the Massachusetts health care plan.

  10. Apathy Curve says:

    Do not mistake a high I.Q. for leadership ability. They are two very different personality traits, and largely unrelated. There are plenty of intellectuals who couldn’t take charge of a bake sale committee effectively, and plenty of very effective leaders who can’t comprehend differential equations.

  11. PurpleSlog says:

    I think you are mistaking good hair and height for intelligence. I see that all the time in business.

  12. Half Sigma says:

    More like 3 standard deviations: 145 vs 100.

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