Author Archives: David Hume

Japan has always been secular

In an otherwise fascinating column on Japan’s peculiar demographics, Ross Douthat presents one misleading fact: Japan is facing such swift demographic collapse, Eberstadt’s essay suggests, because its culture combines liberalism and traditionalism in particularly disastrous ways. On the one hand, … Continue reading

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Christianity: a pagan heresy

Ross Douthat has a provocatively titled book out, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics, so he’s making the media rounds. In general I find Douthat to be an interesting thinker, but there is one domain where I … Continue reading

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Conserving a non-existent past, revering radicalism’s forgotten

Recently I watched this Christian duet’s paean’s ode to Rick Santorum and was struck by the references to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I am aware that Christian conservatives have a “Constitutionalist” focus, and often suggest that the … Continue reading

Posted in history | Tagged | 8 Comments

Why reinvent the wheel?

Alain de Botton and Robert Wright have a long discussion about atheism and the “need for religion” (or at least the exoteric accoutrements of religion). But the conversation seems ahistorical. Confucianism seems to address many of their “wants”; that is, … Continue reading

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Note on theme

The previous theme was slowing down the loading of this website. So for now we’re switching to this.

Posted in Administration | Tagged | 4 Comments

Best wishes to Bradlaugh

Talking about his recent health issues, and its effect on his life. Obviously I won’t be praying for him, but definitely hoping he’s back to 110% as soon as possible.

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Liberty is contingent upon cultural capital

Tax Cheats Become Italy’s Public Enemy: In addition to banning cash transactions, the effort has included an ad campaign comparing tax evaders to parasites. There have been headline-grabbing controls focusing on stores, hotels and restaurants in affluent Italian cities. For … Continue reading

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Notes from “Moving Secularism Forward”

In the wake of the conference, where I presented my own vision for conservatism from the perspective of an atheist/secular humanist: – The audience was overwhelmingly, but not exclusively, Left-liberal – The age distribution was bimodal. There was a minority … Continue reading

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Respecting the law of the land

The story about a Pennsylvania atheist activist who dressed up like a “Muhammad Zombie” has been covered mostly by atheist activists and conservative publications. What seems to have happened is that the victim was dressed up as “Muhammad Zombie” during … Continue reading

Posted in culture | Tagged | 10 Comments

There is no religious liberty, only religious VIPs

While I have been busy with my newborn daughter there has been a lot of brouhaha over the Obama administration and their infringement of religious liberty due to their position on contraception and health care. I don’t have a strong … Continue reading

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