Author Archives: David Hume

Secularism in substance and style

Over at The Daily Caller, Time for a secular right. But what does this mean??? Last I checked the majority of Republican voters are not evangelical Protestants. But, evangelical Protestantism, and to a great extent Southern white sectionalism, are associated … Continue reading

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Are the Republicans the socially conservative party?

Charles Murray ruminates on why Asian Americans are not Republicans. Many of his observations are broadly consonant with my supposition that Asian American disidentification with the Republican party has to do with cultural markers (i.e., Asian Americans have become less … Continue reading

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Dumb sentence of the day

I Believe and Am Thankful: “Believing what was believed to be literally true for a few thousand years is now nutty.” Yes, that’s how it goes in science. Aristotle’s ethics may be relevant for moderns, but his physics most certainly … Continue reading

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The diminishing marginal returns to modern social liberalism

Rather than a coldly elucidated set of principles in a Benthamite fashion modern social liberalism is fundamentally a movement of justice rooted in feeling. That everyone get a fair-go, that everyone can engage in their own personal project of self-actualization. … Continue reading

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Conservatism for seculars

My piece for Free Inquiry is up.

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The diversity of conservatism

The American Conservative has an interesting piece up on the redoubtable John Randolph, Who Was John Randolph?. This part spoke to me: The danger of Buckley’s effort to construct a tradition is that it slowly became a template. Anyone who … Continue reading

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Economists don’t live in a world of facts

The Secret to U.S. Growth in the 21st Century: More Asians: Furthermore, I believe that the cultural benefits of Asian immigration will be just as big as the economic and political benefits. Adding diversity to our melting pot will speed … Continue reading

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Rebuke of the robotic candidate

I’ve been heard to say that perhaps we need a robot president, and Mitt Romney might be just the right robot. But I have to admit that robots just don’t make good candidates. The robot could still win because of … Continue reading

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The peaceful Amish

Witness Describes Domination of Amish Leader: Mrs. Miller and her husband, Martin, who live two hours north of Bergholz, were the first victims in the beard and hair attacks. Last Sept. 6, their six estranged children and their spouses pushed … Continue reading

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Layers of difference

In The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order Samuel P. Huntington placed Russia in the “Orthodox” civilization, as opposed to the “Western” class. Over 20 years since the collapse of the Communist bloc I think one must … Continue reading

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