A Whitewashed Sepulchre

Not content with being Britain’s most destructive prime minister in at least half a century, Tony Blair continues to irritate with a series of nauseating, preening and self-righteous lectures (often ‘faith’-tinged) on how he sees the world. Over at the London Spectator’s blog, David Blackburn takes Blair down a peg or two:


Tony Blair interrupted his Mediterranean holiday, on which he spent time on billionaire Larry Ellison’s gin palace, to condemn materialism and the pursuit of personal wealth. The former PM addressed the Catholic Church’s ‘Communion and Liberation Conference’ in Rimini – a great honour for a layman.

Urging the universal adoption of the ascetic, the Quartet’s special envoy to the Middle East, who is also an advisor to JP Morgan and an internationally renowned lecturer and author – and therefore needs houses across the globe – said that the “aggressive secularism and materialism found in parts of the West” should not be allowed to “gain traction” in the rest of the world. According to the Guardian, Blair’s words had such power the audience was rendered speechless, as am I.

Speaking with trademark earnestness, a self-aware Mr Blair confided that his conversion to Catholicism had been “humbling”. And, echoing St Francis of Assisi, Mr Blair asserted that it was the “role of faith” to arrest the moral decline engendered by the love of money, and said he “would represent God’s truth” always. God help us.

Chuck it, Blair.

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5 Responses to A Whitewashed Sepulchre

  1. kurt9 says:

    Yes, you will notice that Blair lives the high life among his billionaire friends, then has the temerity to condemn the rest of us for wanting the same thing. His entitlement complex is truly glaringly obvious. His entitlement complex streaks “I have borderline narcissistic personality disorder!”.

    I am of the believe that ALL “limousine liberals” are borderline narcissistic personality disordered.

  2. Anonymous Coward says:

    Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder are two different diagnoses with only superficial similarities. Blair and all too many public figures are Narcissists, not Borderlines. Borderlines are generally too dysfunctional to be so high profile.

  3. Polichinello says:

    I can’t really give too much of a damn about Blair when you consider the craven fool now in his place.

  4. kurt9 says:

    I stand corrected. I meant to say that all limousine liberals as well as most all entertainment people, regardless of political orientation, have narcissistic personality disorder. Indeed, I consider being a limousine liberal to be a definable symptom or characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder.

  5. gene berman says:

    Unanimity here–we must all be wrong! Chris Brand, in his inimitable style, has consistently spelled it Bliar. But, all in all, he (Bliar) is just an outstanding example (mostly by being a present example) of what is generally successful in the “political class” of democracies–a type illustration to support Mencius’ reactionary preferences.

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