Pope Francis thinks that same-sex marriage is the work of the “father of lies”. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, dodgy Putin crony Patriarch Kirill may be even more uneasy.
Russia Today reported this (my emphasis added) back in July:
The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill sees the recognition of same-sex unions by Western countries as a portent of doom. He called upon Russians to ensure that sin is never formalized by the rule of law.
“This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything in our powers to ensure that sin is never sanctioned in Russia by state law, because that would mean that the nation has embarked on a path of self-destruction…”
Okey dokey.
Well, the Secular Left here always worried about the Gary North types on the protestant side, well the Eastern Orthodox have the Emperor Justinian’s Laws against Sodomy. In fact the only thing that Evangelical’s restrict here is abortion, many years ago if you seen the Film about Harvery Milk, the evangelical politician John Briggs tried to get out gays in teaching in California schools but it didn’t work. All the south will do is ban gay marriage and called gays names but Russia will give them therapy.